IGCP Projects with active working groups of Czech scientists:



Project 580 - Application of magnetic susceptibility on Paleozoic sedimentary rocks - 2009-2014

Project Leaders: A.-C. da Silva (Belgium), M.T. Whalen (USA), J. Hladil (Czech Rep.), D. Chen (China), S. Spassov, F. Boulvain, X. Devleeschouwer (Belgium)

Czech Representative:  J. Hladil, L. Koptikova (koptikova@gli.cas.cz)


Project 497 - The Rheic Ocean: Its Origin, Evolution and Correlatives - 2004-2008 (OET 2009)

Project Leaders: U. Linnemann  (Germany), R.D. Nance (USA), M. de Wit (South Africa), E. Bozkurt (Turkey), P. Kraft (Czech Rep.), F. Pereira (Portugal), R.A. Strachan (UK)

Czech Representative:  P. Kraft (kraft@natur.cuni.cz)






Project 510 – A-type Granites and Related Rocks through Time - 2005-2009

Project leaders: Roberto Dall´Agnol (Brazil), Carol D. Frost (USA), O. Tapani Rämö (Finland)

Czech representative: M. Rene (rene@irsm.cas.cz)


Project 503 – Ordovician Palaeogeography and Palaeoclimate - 2004-2008 (OET 2009)

Project Leaders: T. Servais (France), D.A.T. Harper (Denmark), J. Li (China), A. Munnecke (Germany), W. Owen (U.K.), P.M. Sheehan (USA)

Czech Representative: O. Fatka (fatka@natur.cuni.cz)


Project 502 – Global Comparison of Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulphide Districts: the controls on distribution and timing of VMS deposits - 2004-2008 (OET 2009)

Project Leaders: R. Allen(Sweden), F. Tornos (Spain), J. Peter (Canada), N. Çagatay (Turkey)

Czech Representative: J. Pasava (pasava@cgu.cz) 


Project 499 – Evolution of Ecosystems and Climate in the Devonian - 2004-2008 (OET 2009)

Project Leaders: P. Königshof (Germany), J. Lazauskiene (Lithuania), E. Schindler (Germany), V. Wilde (Germany), N. Yalcin (Turkey)

Czech Representative: O. Fatka (fatka@natur.cuni.cz)